Our Team

From sales to delivery and every step in between, everyone at L. Knife & Son plays an important role in bringing our suppliers' quality products to our retailers.

Our Management Team

JC Panio portrait
J.C. started his career at L. Knife & Son, Inc. in 2006.
JC Panio
General Manager
Alex started his career at L. Knife & Son, Inc. as a sales analyst.
Alex Azuma
Director of Sales Operations
Don Green
Don is a cicerone certified beer server as well as a level ll WSET Award Recipient.
Don Green
Sales Manager - Off Premise
Joe Wright
Joe's career in the industry started while working for a bar in college.
Joe Wright
Sales Manager - On Premsie
Michelle Bobrowiecki
Although new to the beer industry, Michelle brings 18 years of experience to the table.
Michelle Bobrowiecki
Accounting Manager
Dave Reynolds
Dave has over 20 years of industry experience.
Dave Reynolds
Operations Manager
L knife logo
Phil Tassinari
Delivery Manager
L knife logo
Brian Stacy
Fleet Manager